Vocational Services

Our credentialed and certified rehabilitation consultants provide a comprehensive array of vocational services designed to promote independence of individuals with disabilities. These services include vocational evaluation, consultation, expert witness, and case management services.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation/Case Management
    Assist injured workers who have improved their physical and/or mental health and are ready to prepare for return to work. These services may involve restoring the injured worker’s occupational skills and knowledge to changeover into a different type of job or return to the current one.
  • Employability Analysis
    Detailed assessment of an injured worker’s ability to perform an occupation given their physical limitations. Consideration to their knowledge as well as their skills are considered in the overall process.
  • Evaluation and Testing
    Part of the Employability Analysis. It includes an in-depth one-on-one interview and series of vocational testing conducted by the Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant with the injured worker.

  • Labor Market Survey
    Determines if there is competitive employment in the injured worker’s geographical area.  It considers their educational level, acquired skills, and physical limitations.
  • Transferable Skills Analysis
    Analyses competencies and skills that an injured worker has acquired.  The skills can be based on past education, employment, and training. This process allows the Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant to determine skills that can be transferred to other occupations.
  • Vocational Expert
    Professional vocational services and testimony is provided in legal cases involving employment related issues and aspects. Expert assistance is typically requested by plaintiff and defense attorneys, worker’s compensation adjuster, and local and federal agencies.
  • Job Search and Placement
    Aids the injured worker with identifying and engaging in competitive employment that is suitable based on his/her residual functional capacity, acquired job skills, and educational competences while adhering to any permanent restrictions imposed by the treating physician.
  • Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling
    Provide guidance and support to injured workers who want to return to work but have to change career paths due to their work-related injury.